Kelsey was born in California but grew up in Japan with missionary parents. He and his brother went to the Japanese Peers School for two years and then to the Christian Academy in Japan. He graduated from Pillsbury Baptist Bible College in Owatonna, MN with a B.A. degree and later attended the San Francisco Baptist Seminary, where he received a B.D. degree in theology.
Kelsey pastored churches in California, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Kansas. Janet grew up in a Pastor's home.
They have four children and seven grandchildren. Their son, Bill (38), who had been an English teacher in Japan for 15 years, was taken home to heaven on Easter Sunday, 2016 after a heart attack.
Kelsey's passion is to teach God's Word to those who are teachable and willing to change.
"The Peaches"
Kelsey and Janet Pietsch
"Bad News & Good News"
Where are We?
"Understanding The Times"
with Bible Study Book Marker
(print on both sides)

Our primary purpose is to glorify (magnify) God by making Him known to those whom we encounter in life, and especially to those who want to have an intimate and personal relationship with Him.
If you aren't absolutely sure that you will go to heaven the moment you die, please read the Bad News & Good News. If you have questions, please contact us.
Then we want to help you and other believers grow, discover, and use the spiritual gift that God gave to you at the moment of your salvation. (For more information, read our "Bible Basics Docs") One of the greatest joys in life comes to believers who lead lost people to the Savior and help them grow in the Lord. They can earn the Crown of Rejoicing. We want to teach you how to do this.
We can't change the past, but we can make wise decisions today that will affect the rest of our lives. “The believer's future is as bright as the promises of God.” We're here to help those who are teachable, willing to change, and who want to grow spiritually.
1. The authority and inerrancy of the Scriptures is based upon verbal, plenary inspiration.
2. The one true God eternally exists in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
God is the Creator and sustainer of all things and has planned everything for His glory.
3. Jesus Christ is both God and man having added to His complete deity a fully human nature in His incarnation.
4. The Holy Spirit is a Divine person Who convicts the unsaved and controls the saved.
5. Man was created by God but in Adam the whole race fell, bringing upon it both physical and spiritual death.
6. Every person is totally depraved so that he cannot initiate, maintain or complete his own salvation.
7. God has provided for man's salvation by making Christ a substitutionary sacrifice for sinful man.
8. Believing sinners are declared righteous based solely upon Christ's work on their behalf.
9. Christ was raised from the dead, ascended into heaven where He now carries out His ministry as High Priest and Advocate.
10. Christ will return before the Tribulation to take His church from the earth.
11. Christ will return after the Tribulation to rule upon the earth.
12. All will someday be included in one of several resurrections from the dead and stand in judgment before God.
13. The saved will be given everlasting life and the unsaved will be given everlasting punishment.
The articles we write on our "Blog" and the messages we bring on the Internet are designed with you in mind. God's Word may seem foolish to the natural, unsaved person. But for those who are teachable and willing to change, there is hope.
God wants believers to grow in the sphere of grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We hope that you will be blessed by our teaching ministry from the Word of God, and share this information with others who are “teachable and willing to change.”